
Tell us who you need! Tech stack, seniority, budget, location. The more we know the better candidates you will see!



In 5 days we will find 100 candidates who will match your role and contact them on your behalf.



You interview the candidates and then make an offer. BOOM!

</About us>

Since 2014, we have hired 1500+ Software Developers, DevOps Engineers, UI Designers and Machine Learning Scientists. We have worked with startups where 2 co-founders were hiring their first 10 employees, unicorns that have been opening up new engineering centres around the world and public companies that have been using us as a BlackOps recruitment squad. Our founder started recruiting engineers in the 90s when resumes were sent by fax.


</ €3 000>

For 100 candidates contacted on your behalf

</ €2 000>

Upon successful hire

100 candidates in 5 days

Who do you want to hire?


*fields are obligatory

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